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fx-991DE CW - Taschenrechner (Schwarz) mehr Infos

bei uns schon für:
34,46 34,46 34,46
inkl. MwSt.
bei uns schon für:
34,46 34,46 34,46
inkl. MwSt.
Natural Textbook Display, 162 × 77 × 10.7mm, bracket calculation
Polynomial equations up to the 4th degree and additional equation systems with 4 unknowns can be solved with exact values ​​and without approximation. The solution of an equation with Newton's method is also implemented.

Operations such as determinant, transposition and identity matrix can be performed up to the dimension 4x4. Conversion to reduced row echelon form (RREF) is also available.

Vectors up to the 3rd dimension can be calculated. The usual commands like scalar product, cross product, angle or unit vector are available.

Integrals & Differentials
Differentials and integrals can be easily entered using templates and calculated numerically. Even in the table of values, differentials and integrals are available.

Display of the display content
The newly available QR code function makes it possible to visualize the results of the technical-scientific calculator using a smartphone or tablet.

Scanning the QR code
The result display is converted into a QR code by pressing a button on the calculator. This can then be recorded with a smartphone or tablet.

Content visualization
With the help of ClassPad.net, graphs, charts, access help and tables for the collected data can be displayed and presented in an optimal way.

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